Privacy Policy

In using our services, you consent to share certain information with us at Such information may constitute personal data, that is; accurate information about you that can be used in identifying you personally.

Who We Are

our Website address is:

About the Privacy Policy

This policy (privacy policy) details why and when we collect your data, it also explains how it is used, the context under which we may disclose it, and how it is securely stored. controls the personal data given through our online Platforms or websites.

What kind of Personal Data is Collected and Why We Collect it?

Visiting our web pages with or without giving out your data, not including your user agent string and IP address is stored for some time.


When web users visit our site and comment on any of the articles or pages, we collect their data in the comments form, as also their Internet Protocol (IP) address and browser user agent string to help us in spam detection and also to give our users feedback to their comment when necessary.

when you comment using our comment section, after approval your profile picture is visible to the public in the context of your comment.


When uploading images to our site, please do not upload images with embedded location data included. Other web-users of this website can have access to your location data from images you upload on this.


When visitors comment on our site, they are optioned to save their name, email address, and maybe website in cookies. These options are set to make it easier for visitors so they do not have to fill in these details again for another comment using our website. These cookies may last for 12 months.

When you log into our site if you created an account with us, a temporary cookie that contains no personal data is set to determine if your browser accepts cookies.

When users who have an account with us log in, cookies are set up to save their login details and user screen display choices. These Login cookies may last for two days, while screen options cookies may last up to 12 months. If you select “Remember Me”, log in details may persist for two weeks, but if you log out of your account, the login cookies will be removed.

How Do We Use Cookies?

Before explaining how we use cookies, let’s briefly explain the term cookies. Cookies can be simply said to be small-size files that the site or the site’s service or internet network provider transfers to device hardware through your web browser when allowed by you, these cookies help our system in recognizing your web browser and also for remembering certain details about you.

Cookies are also used to store aggregate data about website traffic to personalize user experience. Before cookies are used you will be asked to agree to the use of cookies when you visit a website by clicking the ‘’I agree’’ button. You can also decide not to agree to the use of cookies, but please note that it might affect some functions of the site. If you do not want to use it anymore you can reset it in the browser settings by not allowing cookies.

How Do We Use Your Personal Data?

Any of your Personal Data received by us may be used in several ways:

To give feedback:   Your personal data will be processed to guide, answer, or explain the context from which you have requested such information.

To personalize your experience: Your personal data assists us in responding accurately to your personal needs, it also aids in serving an individual in request with related needs from our webpages.

Make our website better: here at, we process individuals’ information sent to us directly through e-mails. In doing this we always put in the required effort to enhance our website delivery performance which is based on the information and response you sent to us.

Better customer service: Information received from you assists us to respond to the support needs and service requests made by you.

• To Send emails and newsletters: We use the information sent to us from you in sending you related, latest news and updates about your request. If you are not interested in the emails or newsletter, you can decide to delete your or withdraw your data from our database.

What Rights Do You Have Over Your Data

In using our website you have the right to ask for your personal data/information to be done in the under-listed ways.

Deleting or withdrawal of your personal data/information

An individual may decide to delete his or her personal data/information whenever they wish by hitting on the unsubscribe button at the downside of the emails received from us, you can also request to be unsubscribed by contacting us. You can check our contact details by clicking on the “Contact Us” button on our website.

Request access to your data

You may request access to the personal information we process about you in our database at any time, this can be done by contacting us via our website contact. You can also request for your personal data to be changed, or corrected.

You have the right to file a complaint to a supervisory authority if you think we are not handling your personal data by the applicable law.

How do we make sure your data is protected?

At we undertake lots of security measures in ensuring that your personal data submitted to us upon request, access information, or submitted is secured and safe. We protect your personal data by taking security measures such as; software updates, firewalls, data backups, secured database communication, and more. Your information received from you is also encrypted with the use of the latest and most reliable technology.

Duration of your data with us?

Your personal data we received from you will not be kept or stored for a longer period than expected, also be aware that the personal data may be stored for a longer period only if it is required by applicable law.

Do Third Parties Know About Your Personal Data?

Content on this site may include embedded videos, images, articles, and lots more from our third-party’s site. These third-party’s sites may collect data about you, use cookies, embed additional third-party tracking, and monitor your interaction with that embedded content, including tracking your interaction with the embedded content if you have an account and are logged in to that website.

Our third parties are trusted experts in service delivery, that is to say, we use partners who help us in rendering services to our website. Your personal information may also be used by third parties to send you other newsletters and e-mails, as long as you have not unsubscribed or opted out from receiving such information.

However, we do not sell, trade, transfer, or do financial business transactions with your personal data. It may be released in the case of necessity to comply with the law, in the case of protecting the rights of the site and other of our site users or to protect our site policies. Nevertheless, personal data that is not identifiable may be used by third parties for advert, marketing, or any other use applicable to the law.

Third parties links comply with this disclosure obligation concerning Google’s use of data. See Google Use of Data Policy

Sub-processors  relies on some of the third-party service providers who help us in rendering quality service to you and other users. These service providers sometimes run your data to execute or carry out checks on the website on which they provide their service.

We also align with processors of personal data such as; Google Analytics, Google Ad Manager, and Google Tag Manager, server and hosting companies, video processing and email processing companies, and other analytical service companies and IT-development companies with regards to supplying the Service.

Third-Party Links:

Sometimes, at our discretion, we may include our third parties products or services on our website and through our Services. However these parties have different and independent privacy policies,  Nevertheless, we offer to protect the character of our site and would welcome any complaint about these third party’s sites or services. Third-party links like Google Data Collection Policy.

Do We Change our Privacy Policy?

Any changes or updates to our privacy policy will be posted or updated on this page. The privacy policy modification date will also be updated below.

Last modified on 17 April. 2023.